While other real estate agents focus on the number of transactions, The Core focuses on the number of relationships.


The Core’s mission is to redefine the real estate experience by cultivating the spirit of partnerships and collaboration, adapting to technology and innovation, and operating with integrity to ensure that clients and customers have the best experience when buying, selling or investing in real estate. We are passionate about fair and equal housing, providing value to our Realtor partners, and giving back to our communities in the form of education or charitable work and donations.

Core Values

01 / Collaboration Redefined
We seek to work together and make strategic partnerships to provide value to all.

02 / Professionalism Redefined
We aim to always be professional with team members, clients, customers and members of the community. We always operate in a way that elevates the real estate industry.

03 / Integrity Redefined
We conduct ourselves in the highest ethical standards, demonstrating honesty and fairness in every decision and action.

04 / Technology Redefined
We aim to adapt and implement technology that will enhance the customer experience and create a more efficient process for all.

05 / Equality & Fair Housing Redefined
We uphold and promote the fundamental right of homeownership for all. Equality, diversity and inclusion is an imperative mission that is good for ALL communities. We have zero tolerance for discrimination in our profession.

06 / Charity Redefined
We are passionate about giving back and making a positive impact in our community by helping those in need. A percentage of all commissions goes to a charitable organization.

Meet our team

Our Partners & Affiliates

The Core works with companies, organizations, and associations to address the complex challenges in real estate on a national scale. With the contribution of their time, ideas, support and more, we collaborate to build stronger communities.